Tools that Save Time and Improve Productivity

I am always trying to figure out ways to make my life more efficient overall. I always seem to run out of time, and never get as much done as I hope during the day. I don't know how many times I will be working on a project and one minute it is getting close to midnight and it seems like it is a minute later, but it is 2 am. Any tool that can save me a minute here or there, or allow me to do a couple of things at once is really valuable to me. I have compiled a list off the top of my head of some of the most time saving items I use regularly.

Amazon Alexa
I bought my first Amazon Echo with Alexa when it was first released to developers, and I have added several to my home since. I also tried the google home, but it didn't work as seamlessly for me as the Echo did. Being able to add things to my to do list and shopping list verbally really helped me with keeping track of tasks. I also use alarms and timers quite frequently, and being able to listen to audiobooks and music through it is a nice bonus. I also use the home automation for controlling lights and doors, but that is more for the cool factor than it is for efficiency.

Todoist is a To Do List application that I have been using a lot lately. I came across this app because I wanted to have access to the Alexa To-Do and Shopping List from an app or a web site. Todoist integrates nicely with Alexa, but it also has a lot more power than I was initially expecting. I have it setup with my main To Do list which contains items I need to work on or items have scheduled for a certain day. Then I have my shopping list that I use all the time. Then I have a bunch of project lists. I have one list specifically for apps, so whenever I come across an idea for an app, I added it to the list. The same is true for blog posts. I have other lists that I use for meetings. If I am meeting with my accountant, I will add a number of items that I want to talk about to my Accounting list, and I can check them off from my phone app while I am in the meeting. This has really helped me with appointments with accountants, lawyers, and doctors. 

I used to use Evernote all the time. I loved that application and how I could save notes in the cloud and access them from a PC, tablet, or my phone. Unfortunately my main customer blocked access to the application at their proxy server, and I really needed PC access to it to make it useful at work. I really need a full keyboard to type notes, I cannot use a phone for that. I still use Evernote at home, but it is mostly to lookup older notes I have stored. If I had access to this at my customer site, I would be using this on a daily basis. 

Peloton Spin Bike
I actually do enjoy going to the gym, and one of the things I really enjoy at my gym are the spin classes. There is just something motivating about being in a class with an instructor and a group of people working out with you. The problem is that, I rarely get home in time to make it to a class. About a year and a half ago I bought a Peloton Spin bike for home, and it solved my issue. They have live classes or on demand classes that are updated daily, and it has a user interface with all the metrics you need and you can see the instructor and others in the class as well as a leader board with other users who are online. You really get the feeling that you are in a real class, and this is the only home fitness equipment I have ever stuck with and use regularly. 

Kindle Oasis
Okay this one is just silly. After taking one of my spin classes, I really enjoy sitting in my hot tub. It makes my muscles feel better, and I am noticeably less sore the following day. The problem is that I really have trouble just sitting and doing nothing for a half hour, so I rarely used the hot tub. A couple of months ago I thought, I wonder if there are any waterproof e-readers. Sure enough Amazon had released the Oasis last year that is waterproof to a meter for up to an hour. I had a ton of Amazon points and several gift cards laying around, so I went ahead and ordered one. It is a little pricey, but for my use case it works perfectly. I don't read for entertainment, so it is really valuable for me to spend a half hour reading a book on programming or catching up on the latest articles in one of my coding magazines. I had seen the kind before, but I have always had tablets, so I never thought it was worth it. The e-ink is so crisp and easy to read in both bright sun and complete dark. I really wish I had bought one of these years ago. I keep it in my bag wherever I go now. 

Remarkable Tablet
I don't actually have one of these, but my girlfriend does. She thinks it is funny that her work gave her one, and at the time she was extremely low tech. She let me try it out, and I really loved the feel of it. I had tried to find a note taking solution for my ipad, but even with Bluetooth pens, the lag and the feel just didn't work. The remarkable feels like you are writing on paper, and the e-ink technology they user looks great. There are a couple of downsides to the product though. The first is the price, at $600 it is really hard to justify something just to take notes. They market it as an e-reader as well, but the software just isn't there yet for that functionality. The software is the other issue with the device. This is a new product from a new company, so I am sure the software bugs are going to be resolved over time, but it makes it really hard to shell out that kind of money. I am sure they will have a version two where they iron out all the kinks, and then I may be ready to drop the coin necessary to get one. Until then I will just have to drool over my girlfriends.

Sous Vide Supreme
I don't use my sous vide as much as I used to because I am usually just cooking for one, but it was one of the best investments I ever made when my son was younger. Being able to cook to the temperature you wanted your items made life so easy. So many times I would put chicken breasts in the sous vide, go to work, and when I got home they were so tender they just fell apart. Put it in a post with some taco seasoning, and within minutes, we would have nice healthy taco salads. I have also made the best steaks I have ever tasted in the sous vide and they are perfectly done every time. 

Instant Pot
I use the Instant Pot almost everyday of the week. It is the most versatile appliance in my kitchen. I use it so much I ended up buying a second one. I use it for steaming vegetables more than anything, but I also cook hard boiled eggs and chicken breasts a lot too. My girlfriend loves the apple cinnamon steel cut oats I make for her as well as the homemade yogurt. Since it can be used as a slow cooker, steamer, rice cooker, pressure cooker and even saute pan, it has replaced several items in my kitchen that I didn't have room to store in the first place. It also solved what to buy people for birthday and Christmas for about a year. Now my whole family has one, and they all love it.

This is my current list, but the list changes over time. Do you have any favorite tools that save time in your life? If so, mention it in the comments below. I am always on the lookout for a time saving gadget or piece of software. 


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