Mac vs Windows PC

For most of my career I have been in circles where people would debate a Mac vs Windows PC. There were the years where Apple had dropped so far in market share that it seemed like the debate was over, but then Jobs returned and the debate started all over again. The debate is always on the personal level though. I have never seen a large corporation use Mac's as their primary computers. I have always worked on large corporate networks where Windows is king. Every now and then I would see a couple of Mac's in a marketing department, but that was about it. 

Several years ago I started working on doing mobile development, and I had to get a Mac to compile my code. Even if you do hybrid development, you can develop and test in a Windows environment, but you have to compile on a Mac to get your app in the app store. I can see how a Mac would be easier to use for an average user, but from a power users perspective, I found it very cumbersome. 

The biggest problem I have run into is that the Macbook Air I bought for a grand doesn't have enough power, memory, or disk space. The disk space is the biggest issue, and unlike my Windows laptop, I can't buy a solid state drive and swap it out because they are proprietary. I am definitely not their target user, but I do really find the lack of power frustrating. 

Since I only use my Mac to compile, having a laptop is really unnecessary, and since I was running out of space on it, I thought maybe I would get a desktop instead. I started looking into cheap desktops and found the Mac Mini. I thought that would be perfect except that they are really expensive considering the hardware hasn't been updated since 2014. I finally decided to just keep my Macbook Air and get an external hard drive for it. 

I read through the article, and all the reasons for buying a mac made sense for an average user. If all you are doing is reading email and surfing the web, the Mac is easy to use. The limited number of models makes it so you don't have to do much research. I really was thinking there would be one argument that would say technically why they were better, but the only thing that came even close was that some of them have really nice screens. 

This article basically said everything I was thinking. You get much more bang for your buck on a Windows PC than you can on a Mac. For the money I would say the new Dell XPS 15 is the hottest laptop out there. They aren't cheap, but the specs are really out there.

I know a lot of you swear by Macs. Even at developer conferences I will see a number of people using Mac notebooks, and I have always wondered if there was something I am missing. If you are a die hard Mac fan, let me know in the comments if I am not getting something here.


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